

We live in a world

Where you are free

Only if you follow the holy

And drink camel urine to stay healthy

Never talk

Never discuss

And don’t even dare,

To criticise the almighty

Or you will suffer the consequences

Under the name of “religious liberty”

Perhaps in a democracy

You might walk away free

But in countries like Saudi

You will suffer the same faith as Raif Badawi

1000 lashes and 10 years in prison

For the victimless crime of going against the almighty

Who is so-called loving and forgiving

But is actually dreadful and evil

And love sufferings

We live in a world

Where you can get married to a nine years old

But if you belong to the LGBTQIA+ community

You will either be hung, beheaded or thrown from buildings

For it is considered a sin,

An abomination to the lord almighty

Even though it is something natural

And definitely not immoral

People want somebody to love

Someone to cuddle

A shoulder to cry on

Someone to talk to when they feel lonely

Someone to get them through the dark days

And someone to grow old with

Surely everyone deserves the chance

Just like some of you did when you decided to get married

Or maybe you do it so that your religion no longer prevents you from having intercourse

But if that’s the case

Sorry to say you have no idea what love means

And you verily have no rights to question it

For love is love is love is love.

When will it stop?

All these nonsense about “practicing my religious liberty?”

How weird god must be

To hate his own creation

To demand them to be killed

Just because they are different from the majority

But without rainbows the world would be dull

And if everyone’s the same where’s the fun of it

Your religion, your faith,

It might prevent you from doing something

It’s not a universal moral code

And certainly not a universal constitution

So who the hell are you

To go around killing atheists,

And beheading ex-Muslims,

Hating your own friends and relatives

Just because they happen to be gay, lesbian or bisexual

Labelling transgenders as people with mental illness,

Who just wants attention

Or maybe just saying it’s ok for them to be what they were born to be

Just as long as they don’t fall in love

And treat them like second class citizens in their own country

Under the name of your god

Who you love

And who gives you orgasms whenever you praise

You commit violence and honour killings

Just for the sake of your own pride and ego

Oh please, it’s pathetic

For your religion is a personal belief

It’s not something that gives you rights over others

And it surely doesn’t give you the rights to be a bigot

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